Appeal Update

Mike Betts reports:

It is with great thankfulness we are able to report that our Pathways from Poverty Christmas appeal 2012 enabled us to release and invest £35,000+ into the business creation programs run in East Africa by Edward Buria’s apostolic sphere.

This was our second year supporting such initiatives there. The previous appeal facilitated by Lowestoft Community Church raised £20,000 in 2011 and started some 70 businesses, including goat-keeping, grain store, rabbit-keeping, fish ponds and general stores.

A team of us travelled to Kenya in August 2013, to serve Edward Buria and his team. We took the opportunity to visit some of the projects and businesses that have been made possible as a result of that first appeal.

All of these businesses initiatives have demonstrated the ability to lift people out of dis-empowered lifestyles and give them the dignity of choice. It has been wonderful in recent years to visit some of these projects and see people create wealth and prosperity for their families and communities through their own hard work and inventiveness.

Here's their report:


Our appeals have helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world