A year of living courageously

In case you haven't already noticed, we're really embracing the COURAGE theme that formed our conference earlier this year. God has been speaking to us about how courage is essential in everything we do:

  • Building genuine family takes courage - the courage to step out, and to let others in.
  • Prayer takes courage - the courage to ask God for the impossible, to pray out loud in a large gathering, or to go to someone and share a word or encouragement the Lord has given you for them, the courage to say 'Thy will be done...'
  • Witnessing to others takes courage - the courage to risk ridicule and rejection
  • Pioneering takes courage - the courage to say 'Here I am, Lord, send me', the courage to break new ground, and forge a path no one has trod before, the courage to risk things not turning out as you hoped or planned.
  • Raising spiritual sons and daughters takes courage - whether you're the 'parent' or the 'child' (or both). It takes courage to be humble enough to be teachable, and courage to invest in someone. It takes courage to take a year out for an ID programme, or share of your experience in teaching and resourcing others.
  • Being a church for a broken world takes courage - the courage to call out the brokenness in our societies, the courage to leave your comfort zone to serve those in need, the courage to open your heart, home and church to those God is calling you to.

Sounds daunting, huh? But wait! Part of being a family means we work together to equip one another with the skills, support and strength to find that courage in the Lord, and walk out boldly to face whatever Goliaths are looming on our horizons.

This is why we have so many events throughout the year. Each is designed to inspire and equip you with the tools you need to live the courageous life that God calls his people to.

We have recently updated the website with all the events that are currently planned for the next fifteen months. Whichever area you feel called to take the next steps in, there's likely to be an event to fit - and if there isn't, why not let us know the areas you feel the need for some input into?

Visit our events page for the full list.