The courage to be compassionate

Anna Goodman recently shared with us her latest #ActofCourage:

I was at home and could see some Jehovah Witnesses knocking on doors. In the past, in this kind of situation, I'm ashamed to say that my response towards JWs hasn't always been overflowing with grace. I prayed that God would give me His compassion for them if they came to my house and they did. I smiled and we engaged in a long, interesting conversation (I've learnt lots!) They gave me a flyer inviting me to their meeting, I gave them a flyer inviting them to ours. I noticed one of them was holding a walking stick and felt prompted to ask her about what she was suffering from. She explained her issue and then I shared a couple of stories of times when I've seen God do some wonderful, medically verifiable healings. I asked her whether she would like me to pray for her, but she declined. On departing she said that she wanted to come back later and talk more about it with me. I don't know whether she'll actually return, but we're not in charge of the outcome of these things are we, we're in charge of our decision to obey. So, over to you, God and bless those ladies!

This is another wonderful example of how we are seeking to achieve our vision - she listened to God’s prompting, witnessed to these ladies and offered to pray for their needs. Let’s join her in praying God’s blessing on them.

How about you? What has been your latest #ActofCourage?