Looking for Prayer Warriors across Relational Mission

In response to prophetic words about gathering 'prayer warriors', the need to develop our 'air warfare' and an apostolic sense of direction from the Holy Spirit to strengthen our 'strategic prayer' (and fasting), Mike Betts has asked Adam and Susie Voke (Medway) to begin to give this some thought and to gather people to be involved at a number of different levels.

The vision is to provide 'air cover' to the ground troops across a wide area, clearing the ground for mission, church plants, significant events and to tackle in prayer and fasting the setbacks and hits that inevitably come as part of spiritual warfare.

At the last ENOUGH prayer event, postcards were given out which included an option to sign up for more information for prayer and special (invite only) events. If you missed it, or have misplaced the card, you can sign up via this form.

Note: This is not for general information, just to be kept in the loop or for those that don't pray much! It is for those that can commit to pray and will follow through.

If that's you, if you have a gift for fervent, committed prayer, please sign up and we will be in touch.