Mike Betts: An overview of our recent shape change

An overview of our new shape

In the above video, Mike Betts shares with us the history of Relational Mission: our beginnings in Newfrontiers before spheres launched, our first decade led by Mike through to the prophetic word that led to our current 'trimaran' leadership under Mike, Stef Liston and Maurice Nightingale.

A new leadership structure

He goes into detail as to how this new leadership team is moving our family of churches away from being a centrally-administered organisation: specifically, how we have recognised and commissioned seven 'Community Leaders', around whom groups of RM churches have gathered for trans-local oversight, as well as coming together for community events and pioneering efforts.

Towards a bright future

Having Community Leaders has released the apostolic team to pursue their unique callings to break ground in new areas, whilst still leading together to encourage our family of churches towards all we believe God has called us to.