Discovering blessing in Pardubice


On Friday 10 March, a team of Brits headed over the Czech Republic to join Církev U Dubu - 'Oaks Church' - for the Together on a Mission conference.

After a wander around the city we joined with around 50 people for a meal (African food prepared by members of the church), worship and a short time of testimony. There were Christians from different Czech churches all joining together in worship, at times the singing was in three different languages!

The theme of the weekend was “Blessing” – God is Blessed, we are Blessed and we are to share that Blessing. The translators did an amazing job ensuring that we all understood the teaching, the prophetic words and the discussion in groups.

Throughout the weekend there were many words and prophecies, with healing of past hurts, words of encouragement and time to pray for each other. There was also time for plenty of food (and washing up!), eating together, chatting and laughter. On Saturday everyone went to a nearby pub on Saturday for the traditional Czech dish called ‘svíčková’.

Remarkable reactions

Pete and Michelle Foster have been living in Pardubice for 9 years, and on Saturday evening they shared their story with us. It was encouraging to hear how clearly God spoke to them through prophetic words and dreams, leading them to settle in Pardubice.

Following the conference, Michelle said that all the 62 people present had at some point felt blessed, with lots of testimonies and prophetic words.

“We had pastors and wives from other churches there, and our close friends from the church who have responsibility for the Christian school where we work. The response from a couple of my friend's husbands surprised me, including the one I thought was more conservative. One asked us to do it every year, and the other one, who was hesitant to go as he does not speak English, said: ‘I hope you are thinking of doing something like this every 3 months!’”