Posts in pray
Revival in Asbury?

In my limited experience of such things, those with a heart for the Lord do meet with Him in these seasons and are transformed by the experience. There is something so sweet, innocent and delightful about experiencing His presence and His powerful love so near and so tangible.

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Corporate prayer is like serving the devil an eviction notice

Imagine a thief who has broken into your house and is now claiming squatter’s rights. The intruder helps himself to the contents of your fridge and then sits on your sofa with his feet up, eating your food and drinking your best wine. He flicks through the channels on your TV and throws the rubbish on the floor. He’s not just behaving as if he owns the place, but as if no one owned the place. What arrogance!

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Corporate prayer is like an orchestra

In my study amongst the books, papers, laptop and so on I have a small tuning fork. It’s the note A, I believe. I have it there to remind me that as I do my best to serve the church I am required by the Lord to make sure that whatever I teach, build, practice, say, display and encourage is all in alignment with both the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit. As anyone who has heard a live band can testify keeping things in tune is vital to a beautiful melody…

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The Call to Pray and Fast

In the lead up to the conference, we have decided to pause our series of ‘Gathering’ events and instead take the opportunity to lay some further foundations in prayer for the season ahead. So, we are sending out a call to you, to join with others in our family to pray together and fast together on the 4-5 March 2020.

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